dinsdag 9 december 2014

A degree of patience

contact makes fire
ping pong with words
an art to tackle him

mutual textual pleasure
far past midnight
no normal bedtime

alcohol makes naughty
both in his mind
as in his oral language

she will not hold it against him
she is particularly deaf
she carefully chooses what she hears

she understands between his lines
she looks over his walls
and she opens his doors

he does NOT want this, because
he persists to stay closed and gloomy
he keeps distrust which is selffulfilling

she is a naive opener
he can't forgive her
so he deletes her ....

© MG20141209BSp


maandag 8 december 2014


The men who are seated in front of their self-portrait both wear foam beards. One looks like a person from the Middle East with his beard and dark appearance. The other one has blonde picking in his gray hair.  Both gentlemen surrender themselves to relaxation and they enjoy noticeable. They are confident in the smooth knife.

Mr. hook nose shines happy with himself and he bows his head down until his head is almost banging in the sink. In my mind's eye I watch a horrible video. In horror I imagine that the knife goes down ... luckily it is only water and more foam, shampoo-foam this time, which hit his head. As soon as the head had been shaved and washed it converses in Arabic with his almost slaughterer.

Blonde Gray meanwhile escapes from beneath the bright orange towel, he pulls on his coat and is going to checkout well cut. A new beard takes the seat, I hear him say, 'The sides can be shaved and I want the back also nice and shortly trimmed'. Whatever he desires, but in this weather....: wet snow bursts on the windows. But, if you have a bad hairday, bad weather won't be an issue.

A young woman with long black curly hair is seated in the chair on the opposite wall: the women's side. It is a hairdresser with a men's and women's section. She is eager to have her hair de-curled, she calls it 'styled'. Actually it is just ironed out. A steam iron would undoubtedly generate the same result. She is at ease with her hair-stylist and chatters relaxed. In her hair more and more little squares appear, divided by the comb. Then it is steamed and de-curled in small pieces. Her hair is getting longer. Her nice long hair is cut to lenght and a ponytail has been trimmed, which of course also smooths over her forehead in a graceful arc shape.

This hairstyle strengthens her partial Asian features that were previously not noticed by me. She is a beautiful woman with beautiful arched eyebrows and her light brown almond shaped eyes accentuate her exotic appearance. She sparkles when she gets up from the chair. And she seems quite happy with her new good looks: but she is amazed by the cheerful girl she sees reflected in the windows. Thoughtfully and unsure she asks me: 'Do I look good anyway?'


in Dutch: http://matcatgo.blogspot.nl/2014/12/metamorfose.html

zondag 7 december 2014

Comfort Chat

it is my consolation
that you save in your heart
your love for me
that there has no iota
been removed
that there has no ounce
been disappeared

that you treat it as
an extraordinarily valuable treasure
from which from time to time
the dust blows away
and is greeted warmly
not as dead relic
but as living proof

donderdag 4 december 2014

First Outdoor Experience with Icy Icewater

My long-haired cat ran excited -not hindered by the refrigerant temperature- outside, to the mortar tub loaded with rainwater, which is the tastiest water, because it is alife. Since this is for him the first winter that he can go outdoors, after 7 years of being a purebred indoorkat, he has much to learn. He has discovered that he is a cat: he has been behind butterflies and has chased frogs through dense ivy plants. Recently he can climb, light as a feather, he runs into a two meter high wall. Now he dashes to the mixing container to find out there is no water in. He checked it twice (unfortunately I didn't have the camera in my hand)

I decided to help him and enter the garden warmly wrapped. I call him, he shows no interest. I break the ice, but still he shows no interest at all. He looks for a while with a look that seems to say "I've already seen it, the water is gone". I decide to catch his interest and let the water splash, I play a bit with a stick in the water and it splashes on the ground. He recognizes that immediately. That is such a nice character of water, it is not only drinkable, but you can also play with it, by splashing, trying to catch it and running through puddles.

So he comes. Somewhat incredulous he doesn't show to be interested, but he can not resist to investigate the splashes and than it appears to be water, so he stands with his front paws on the edge of the mixing container and tries to catch an ice floe ... haha ... if that does not work, he chooses to drink, it is lovely to drink water with long strokes ... what is it good: icy water!

woensdag 3 december 2014

Heart Jubilee

as sweet as honey
your lips touched
the consonants
of my name
deep in your throat
your mouth
made the sounds
you didn't speak
you sang with
the sweetest melody
my name flowed
like nectar
over your lips

I satiated me
licked the nectar
of your lips
I drank your sounds
dulcet tones
a delicate timbre
of sweet-voicedness
the wordchain
that you sang
as only
someone sings
who endlessly