donderdag 28 juli 2016

B-day preps

she walks through the sunset glow firmly high-heeled
on the way to the stores with a jaunty dangling bag
to refresh family and friends at her birthday

her bag is still empty but her head is already loaded
with exotic dishes in her mind she checks
recipes so she can treat them unforgettable

judging taste and smell she walks through the isles
with her feet continuing on autopilot while deftly
dodging obstacles she approves the goods

in her mind she kneads and mixes and it smells in her kitchen
by precious dishes full of love her steps are light and airy
she hurries elated like a whipped cream dessert

she is pondering about how to surprise her guests in a tasty way
with a delightful dish joyfully and lovingly prepared
she steps firmly forward with a fluttering skirt

 'Red Steps'  Han de Leeuwerk

zondag 17 juli 2016

Summer Day

wet drops nourish the soggy land
which fuzzily resists to the sun
they cause a soft frame
for my sleepy face

red wisps above the horizon
indicate early surrender
of morning mist in sunshine
like my silky hair

the delicate morning sun shines
on translucent young green
colorful and cheerful vulnerable
like your young doe

the languid afternoon sun smells
like satisfaction and arranges
wild purple chicory and hay
as a soft boar nest

the sinking red evening glow
looks back pleased to a summer day
filled with sunshine and love
heartfelt warmth between you and me

in Dutch: