dinsdag 12 april 2016

6 decades

her pale skin hangs
loosely to her bones
but in her eyes
it is still bright
and her voice
is old-fashioned warmly
and still untouched
just as her love
she looks optimistically
to her visitors
she knows she is loved
so she can travel quietly
the last part
still surrounded
by loved ones
at her bed

in Dutch: http://matcatgo.blogspot.nl/2016/04/6-decennia.html

maandag 11 april 2016

Being in Progress

Work in Prgress, Han de Leeuwerk

Focussing in the distance
her mind far away from
her body. No shivering
although her clothes are
almost caressing her when
sliding off the soft skin.
The burgundy and golden
dress just fingertipped
saved from the floor.

Her world is exploding
the colours of pleasure
fill her spirit with euphoria
and she seems to swim
in the sea of passion.
She awaits her dearest
and is prepared to
dwell in her memory
as long as it takes.
